Amy presenting

Time Lines are used for sorting facts into chronological order

When entering dates make sure the correct date format is used.
Incorrect formats (which don't follow the GEDCOM standard), are flagged with a pattern error.
Augean can still parse dates with pattern errors, but it is best to avoid pattern errors.

Augean will attempt to parse the date to get a Sort Date
The Sort Date is used for creating timelines
If the Sort Date is not available it will display N/A

Examples of parsing dates

The following is an invalid date format, the Sort Date date can't be computed

This date cannot be parsed. The sort date is N/A

We should fix the date
Now the correct GEDCOM date pattern is followed, the Sort Date is computed

This date can be parsed, the sort date can now be computed.

  Use to check the date is valid using FamilySearch.

Press to view the timeline
Only events with a Sort Date will be shown in the timeline.

TimeLine for Samuel Sitch

 Move the windows around by dragging on the title bar.
- If the title bar is not visible move the window by holding down Shift and dragging on the background.
 View the window manager using